One of the most frequently asked questions about jewellery is - How do I clean it?

June 2011
How to clean jewellery
How to clean jewellery

Most cleaning is very simple – give it a wash. The basic rules are:

  • If the jewellery is precious metal or set with transparent stones - wash under warm running water with a touch of mild cleaning product in your hand.
  • If the jewellery is opaque or has a closed back - do not put into water. Wipe with a soft, lightly damp cloth over the surface.

There are obviously variations to this, depending on what you are trying to clean. But most cleaning is very simple – give it a wash! One seems to forget that jewellery is like anything else you wear – it gets grubby both from being close to your body, and from the general grime that is in the air.

Most people would be appalled at the thought of wearing the same clothes for days-onend without washing them – so why would you not apply the same rule to your jewellery?

Basic Rules:

  • Wash it under warm running water with a touch of mild cleaning product in your hand, if it’s:
    • a precious metal (gold, silver, platinum);
    • set with transparent stones, where you can see both the back and the front of the stone (if you can’t see the back, there’s a chance that water could get in behind the stone and cause damage).
  • However, if it is opaque (pearls, turquoise, coral etc) or has a closed back setting, DO NOT PUT INTO WATER! Rather wipe with a soft, lightly damp cloth over the surface. A tip – use a baby wipe, thoroughly rinsed to remove any chemicals – This I find works like a charm!
  • If a piece is really tarnished, you might want to use the commercial cleaning products specially made for jewellery – always, always follow the instructions – or take it to your jeweller for advice.
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